Just wanted to say thanks to all who attended Trax it was nice to put faces to names. Both myself and Anna were made to feel very welcome by all. Sorry we couldn't stay later or say bye to those who weren't around when we did leave but we had to get the Nephew back to his parents so they could get him ready for school.
We've got home and realised we hadn't took any pictures of any of the cars

Yes would like to echo what John has said.
I got a couple of pics but not too many but I did see others taking pics.
Big thanks to all. Cars were stunning, weather was spot on. Didn't take any photos. Thanks for all my votes.
I want to thank [MENTION=2]tucpal[/MENTION] especially for doing my load resistors and tweeters, good meet guys
Thoroughly enjoyed today. Great atmosphere, great cars and lovely people.
Thanks to everyone who helped with the car. Apologies to those I didn't get a chance to say bye too.
Just like to say big thank you for making me and jen welcome to your club and thanks fot the votes I was a big surprise winning and a second place to amazing
Thanks again hope to see you again very soon
Great to meet you all and myself and Hayley enjoyed every minute of the company and the day. Big thankyou to Cameron UK and Tucpal for the fitting of my DRLs and then fixing errors (yes sadly the bumper and headlight had to come out but all part of car modifying) and WhelanUK for the led interior lights. All look quality. Photos Hayley took loads so we will have to go through them all.
a big up to everyone for making the effort and turning up
all the cars together looked fantastic
real nice to meet you all
and well done to cornishtaz for best car in show and best 3 door real stunning VXR there them 20inch are amazing
and well done to Dicko for taking the best 5 door i knew it would be worth you coming when i sure your car a few weeks back

brilliant first meet i have some pics so i will add them later on
so again well done everyone

i seem to have found a pair of yellow pliers in my car there not myn anyone missing them
Cam I think had yellow tools
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Yeh I have yellow and black tools, can you keep hold of them until we meet next
yeah it was a very good day out
will have to do something else i think