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Oi I was watching them want them myself Lol
dam shame i do not have that pin or i would be my self Lol
The pin is only a run crank mate (just need to find where it comes from and it could be added) do you have a fuse in slot 11 in the rear board? also just need to check the other connection on the loom for the signals to the BCM
You can have a look at trax mate lol
Bugger wish i saw these woukd of been good as this is what i want next :-p

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You will have to see if you have the fuse in place first or the pin
Already have and do ***** already said a price once i get them n fitted :-)

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Cool wish I had the pin
i have a brand new complete rear fusebox that has the options

Big grin
What do you mean options?

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for towbar,tpms etc

its the higher spec fusebox
tempting but not at the moment but thank,s.
come on paul you know you want to. Big grin
Andy do the Fuse boards need to Coded into the car as I've been told they do but TIS does not say anything about fuse boards needing to be programmed when changed and it seems to state if something needs programming.
yes m8 they do need programming into the car

Big grin