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You might remember a while back I was messing with the vinyl cutter in work doing templates of the wheel. As I've had the day off work and I was going to be changing the brake pads I thought I'd try the wheel on to see what it looks like on the car

[Image: dsc_0187.jpg]

Whats peoples thoughts
That's nice mate,

Can you get a shoot showing the whole car with it on??
I've got one with the door shut. Due to having issues removing the locking nuts it put a stop on the work. Will fit it again and get some better pictures.
Looking good, very different. You going to have a whole set on?
Looks good, lime green might look good (in my opinion lol)
they look real good i like it alot Doublethumbs
Red on blue no... but theory looks ok, I can see bits of silver poking out though!
Yeah the art work needs a little adjuatment so that no silver showing. As most of the hard work has now been done don't see why not fitting a full set I just need to select a colour.
Blue on blue
when you perfect them you could make some money out of selling then also. :cool