Full Version: Where should I put it
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Ok I'm buying a small amp http://www.caraudiodirect.co.uk/kenwood-...0w-car-amp.

I'm debating where it should go.

I was thinking on the back of the rear seat or on top the flex floor but then it would get in the way if I lay the seats down to put a load in.

I was then thinking what about under the flex floor but I still think it will be in the way.

So I've thought about behind the side trim?

I'm sure Vauxhall fit the AMP behind the trim (on the right).

Thoughts anyone.
behind the right hand side trim is where i would put it out the way
and i want a good how to for that also
I'll do a how-to but I'm no Audio person.

I had a lot of help from car audio direct with whom I was going to spend £250 but after speaking with them I spent £122.

Just waiting for it all to come.
Got the AMP fitted and it's so much better now I couldn't fit it behind the side trim so I've had to fit it under the flex floor.
Rusty2009 Wrote:Got the AMP fitted and it's so much better now I couldn't fit it behind the side trim so I've had to fit it under the flex floor.

Popcorn< might as well get some for while I wait for pics!!
Rusty2009 Wrote:Got the AMP fitted and it's so much better now I couldn't fit it behind the side trim so I've had to fit it under the flex floor.
Aint that where the factory fitted one goes?
J1ODYA Wrote:Aint that where the factory fitted one goes?

I'm not sure TBH I thought it went behind the side trim, I know they fit the sub speaker under the flex floor.
For those that want to fit an AMP to a factory Head unit Halfords sale this.

looking forward to seeing this finished :cool
Some Pics of the AMP installed.

[Image: 1.JPG]

[Image: 2.JPG]

[Image: 3.JPG]

[Image: 4.JPG]

I'll get a video up later once the battery has charged on the cam.
Yes has been for a little while now well happy with it.

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Nice mate, has it made a bog difference

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Yes mate it has.