Full Version: dtuk box aftre softwhere update
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Any one had any problems after software updates
Mine seams down on power
But drives ok
there is a problem with the dtuk box a new software update was made by vauxhall
and the box does not like it one bit
dtuk as i am aware know about this so best to get in touch with them and see what they say
but for safety remove the box till they sort it out
Dicko there is a thread on here on about this, I do believe its two wires that need changing.

I'll try and find the thread I can't remember if it has the fix in it though.

What symptoms are you getting by the way

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They had to switch from a 5v loom to 12v loom so you will have to call them mate, they might try ofer you an upgrade to the new crd2 box.
Rusty2009 Wrote:They had to switch from a 5v loom to 12v loom so you will have to call them mate, they might try ofer you an upgrade to the new crd2 box.

I believe i had a similar problem. i phoned them and they said they couldn't do anything and the only option i have was to buy a new box for a discounted rate of About £349.
From I've read about there after sales care this didn't surprise me. But the should but it right free of charge.

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if they have sold faulty boxes then they should fix them
if the update somehow changed the map and the box now makes it work worse
then also the should fix it they are not cheap at the end of the day
also second hand faulty boxes surely would be put up for sale so people could recoup the cost of a new unit
I had a word with DTUK this morning. basically its not there fault its the software that vauxhall had uploaded to the car not the box i removed the box when it went in for a service.
They offered me a new crd2 box at a massive reduced price and if i send my old box they will reprogram it for the 1.9 150/120 engine FOC so i can sell it
Not a bad offer still thinking about it
Oh when i refitted the box and drove it the car just felt like the box wasn't fitted just a std car
So are they saying the box is now useless after vauxhalll software update?

What be the cost of the crd?
Yes the box is useless for my car but not on the 1.9 150/120 bhp engine
I understand what DTUK are saying its not there fault as the box was fine before the software update. The box wasn't on the car at the time
Its just one of those things how are DTUK going to predict what vauxhall are going to update and with what.
I think DTUK have offerd me i good deal regarding up date my old box f.o.c so i can sell it and a discount on a new box and a very good discount to
Well I was told sell it on eBay and buy the new one no deal offered!

I won't be buying a new one doubt it will be long till Vauxhall block that.

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so what if vauxhall do another software update and the crd box stops working ??
i would want a refund my self and just go get a bluefin would have no trust at all after that

i would get them to reprogram it for the H sell it and then have nothing more to do with them

also looks like it is best to steer well clear of second hand DTUK red boxs for the astra j on ebay
as i am sure many will be selling after the update is done
I checked bluefin today and they don't cover the 2.0cdti stop/start I'll just wait and get a remap when DPF is gutted out.

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I've got the crd2+ box on the j now but it's running a 5v loom no bother !

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