Full Version: 2nd year service brake fluid change
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I'm coming up to my second year service which if I'm right means the brake & clutch fluid need to be changed.

I know the dealerships don't do it but I have my service done elsewhere (as I don't trust the dealer) so to get my lifetime warranty reactivated would I really need to change the brake fluid?

Or should I just buy a bottle of it and get my mechanic to tick it as done.
i don't think it's just pouring in a new bottle.
and 2 years seems rather fast?
Can't remember if it was done on my Elite on it's second service. The VXR is due to be done in a few weeks.

A lad in work got his done on his Audi after it was 2 years old even though it was listed in the service schedule they didn't do it till he requested for it to be done. From what he said it made a very big difference to how the breaks felt.
they never touched my brake fluid in 3 years so i got it done my self
Well the car is in today for it's second service but 3rd oil change. The dealer has contacted me to confirm if I wanted the brake fluid changed or not as it is recommended to be done. As I'm on the service plan with them it will only cost £20. So that's getting done Other than that the rear brakes will need doing in about 4 months one has worn more than the other side.
Do you mean one side of the pad or the car

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The receptionist did say plus didn't have time to check will find out when I collect it shortly.
it may just need some grease in the slider pins
Well spoke to the mechanic and one side is slightly more worn than the other side. On a plus the brakes feel so much more keen. Although think it might just be down to the Corsa brakes been poor
I had my major service done a month ago the one that is spark plugs etc. I think that is for 48000 but mine had only done 36000 in the 4 years. Brakes had their fluid changed without asking about it as part of the service at a private garage. It felt a bit different in the breaking department when I got it back. £185 including MOT.
Ha mine due shortly... It will be 80k mile lol think Vauxhall quoted £300 odd
When i was doing major services they did change my brake fluid straight away but charge me £29.[url=https://www.google.co.uk/search?num=30&q=straight+away&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjZnq3gppTNAhWShRoKHe3hCRcQBQgaKAA][/url]