Full Version: astra drl fuse or relays??
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I'm completely stuck here with my DRLs.
My DRLs do not work nor do my side lights, so this is making my main dipped beam come on, i can not seem to find the fuse/fuses for these lights only a pair of relays which i thought DRLs did not need but hey oh.

so what is my next move,,, where should i be looking now? i'm not that great with electrics on a car but i would have thought this might have been an easyish fix.

i have nothing on the dash telling me of an error or light/lights not working.

There isn't a fuse, it's 2 relays , one for left and one for right, the relay is for switching between drl and side light I believe. Have you tried changing a bulb, they are twin filament and are prone to blowing.