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So some may know from my progress thread I'm trying to find a way to get android auto on the Navi950 (or any Navi unit fitted to the Astra-J).

The more I dig into it the more I'm liking the idea of build a total carputer (as they call it).

I have no experience with raspberry PI, I have no knowledge of coding.

Power the module would need a 12v to 5v stepper easy to source online.

If I was to keep the navi a video interface box would be needed & the raspberry PI 3.

If I wanted to build a complete carputer I need the power, and FM/DAB module, an amplifier (baring in mind I have infinity sound system), a touch screen. Doing some digging I found a company that make a carberry this works on the canbus and it seems its fully supportive for the J.

@umognog maybe a thread your interested in & maybe have some input.
Hopefully the raspberry PI will come to fruition (excuse the pun) I myself am going down the route of trying to figure out how to install the Igo Primo (windows ce) for my astra K 900 Intellink which is powered by the Linux operating system, now I know that this an Astra J/GTC site & as such I was privileged to have owned four such models associated to this site & still enjoy reading the posts, you never know one day I might get another GTC as in hindsight I do miss the last one.
Raspberry PI arrived today.

Also came across this