Hey up guys, hoping someone can point me in the right direction here. My handbrake is only applying onto the nearside wheel. While it was in my local garage (not stealership), the mechanic said it was just sticking. Its only doing it intermittently and wondered if anyone can advise me accordingly please? Cheers
Could they not adjust the cable slightly then.
Or how about trying to grease the slide pins?
It was a flying visit really to the garage but wondered if there's anything in particular I need to pay attention to. This is my first car with the electronic parking brake that's all
Tucpal might be better on the EPB I have manual handbrake.
Cheers Rusty, I'll PM him
As far as I'm aware the epb and manual handbrakes are the same at the wheel side. The difference is where the cables route to. Manual handbrake the cables run to the back of the handbrake lever where as epb system route to a motor that sits in the rear wheel well and when activated it pulls the cables.
Thanks John, wheel off time then at weekend me thinks
pm was sent

Need more info.
Does the cable actually pull the lever on the caliper? If it is, does it fully release? If it isn't fully releasing, then that mucks up the workings in the caliper, then it's a downward spiral from there. You need to then work out whether the caliper lever is the prob or the cable.
Kevin, thanks very much for the added info. I'm hoping to have a quick look at it before I go away in a week, although my plans will probably get scuppered lol.