Full Version: Which version of op-com
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Probably been said somewhere else but I can't seem to find it I have a 63 plate astra j 2.0 cdti and was wondering which version of op-com I need?
There is really only 1 version which is sold by the following site.


Of course there is a HQ clone which brings it up to a newer version with some extra features but for your average jo isn't worth it.
I can't see a link or anywhere to buy??
Do I need the opcom and the disc or does it come with a disc included in the pack?
Which version do I need is it V1. 70?
If you are interested, I have one which I bought from op-com.co.uk (2017) which I can no longer use because I sold my 2012 Astra 2.0 165 s/s. I only used it once to diagnose a glow plug failure. I paid op-com GBP 35 for it, you can have it for GBP 20 incl shipping. Please PM if interested. Thanks
Just ordered a brand new unit 2 days ago.... Thanks though ??
Unit arrived and it wouldn't set up properly on my laptop I must have sent 10+ emails to no reply really bad service
what opperating system are you using
Windows 7 on laptop.... I've followed all the steps on the site and the program only goes to 2010 my vara a 63 plate... So I download the 2014 software and it won't connect to my car
ash rusty said it doesnt cover lates years or some sections,its the same with mine and mines the same engine as yours
It cover up until 2014 and I've had the guy set it up remotely and it's faulty... He's sending me a new unit out
Tbh that software for the opcom dongle is pretty poor. Worked sort of OK on Windows 7 but was a car crash trying to get it to work on Windows 10. There was a new version out which got the software into a update loop trying to register the software.

After messing with the drivers for ages I got it working and then my laptop died on me a short while later. Got hold of another Windows 10 laptop, had the same/similar issues as before and eventually just abandoned it.

I've worked in IT for 25 years, so I've been around the block. I can even speak DOS. Smile

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It's the only thing that gets all the codes up though isn't it?
(28:th-Apr-2020, 15:19:49)Kiel0777 Wrote: [ -> ]It's the only thing that gets all the codes up though isn't it?

I might be wrong here but I think that you have to use that software with that particular dongle ? If I had to buy another diagnostic device I would probably buy something like the iCarsoft scanner for 100 quid. (I think it's 80/90 quid to visit Vauxhall for a diagnostic scan) There are other scanner tools out there as well. I think Rusty might have one which is a bit more upmarket compared to the iCarsoft ones. Check out ebay as well.
Best readers for the Vauxhall's are op-com, vauxcom, GDS2 with MDI or MDI2, (tech2 not tried on the 2012 on wards) but reports are MDI MDI2.

In terms of the op-com I have the op-com from the link I posted but hacked it to HQ-clone running newer software which allows more options and more things to be done.

It does in fact need to be sent away for the latest update which I'll get round to once lock down is over.