Full Version: Injectors or SCV problem?
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I have a problem with my 1.7 in the morning. I can feel it vibrate a bit to strong when the engine is cold. Everything is back to normal after 4 minutes. I haave read the injectors values and they are jumping around for 4 minutes until injectors will stabilize. Any in here that can read these values and tell me if the injectors are running properly?

(2:nd-Mar-2020, 21:56:04)kartush45 Wrote: [ -> ]I have a problem with my 1.7 in the morning. I can feel it vibrate a bit to strong when the engine is cold. Everything is back to normal after 4 minutes. I haave read the injectors values and they are jumping around for 4 minutes until injectors will stabilize. Any in here that can read these values and tell me if the injectors are running properly?
IIRC the 1.7 is prone to SCV issues which causes it.