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hi all
this may sound a bit dumb but I keep putting up threads and it seems like I not getting any replys or after a day or two I cant find
the thread, but I can still see every one else threads.
and I have sent rusty2009 messages and still not getting any reply.
so if any one can tell me why this is happening I would be most grateful.

p.s  and I have paid my £5 subs.
Perhaps it's just no body has the answers. I've not looked at what you've posted to check.
Rusty did mention the other day that he's busy with other things at the moment, which could be why you haven't received a reply from him yet.

Your threads are moving because I am moving them into the correct sections as & when I can because they don't belong in the site help / update section of the forum.

I have this AM been able to spend a little longer on the site and go though almost all of the threads / post's which have been made (this has taken me so far almost 3hrs) there are still more to go through but in term's of time I'm running out & I won't get on to PM's today.

In terms of not getting a reply to your post it could be a few things.
1. No one has the answer for you.
2. People are busy and just not had a time to come on the forum.
3. Try posting in the correct area and more people may see it and respond to your question.