Full Version: DOOR CHECK STRAP STOP FRONT RIGHT Making clicking noise
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Hyper hi Guys,
I am having noise on the driver side door and it is making clicking noise. Do I need to replace it or I can twist and remove it

(4:th-Aug-2019, 19:56:56)caretaker Wrote: [ -> ]Hyper hi Guys,
I am having noise on the driver side door and it is making clicking noise. Do I need to replace it or I can twist and remove it
Please see attached pictures, as I could not upload the pictures from ipad. I was watching you tube on the Vectra and the guy was turning around the check strap door hinge.

I don't know if you can do this on this particular model Astra j elite 2011 Model.

Sorry I could not upload the image, so I have used the external website, so you can see the image.

Hi, mine has just statrted clicking, but on closer inspection the bolt that holds it to the A pillar is loose,
I'll have to tighten it tomorrow and see what happens
I've just tightened the retaining bolt and my noise has now stopped.
Hi Niteram,
Mine still makes the clicking sound, as I tighten the bolt and still makes the sound , so now I need to change the right hand strap and I think I will have to remove the trim card off from the door.
Thank you for your reply.