Full Version: cd500 to navi600/900
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Would be possible to upgrade cd500 navi to navi 600/650/900 without changing the screen and the buttons and use only the main unit ?

If you went to a 650 or 950 the screen would need to be changed also.

The buttons will work however but you'd have to used to a couple being different.

if you went to a 600 or 900 the screen would work and again the buttons would work but you need to add the SD port and the USB/AUX port.
(27:th-Jul-2019, 20:15:18)Cossie Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

Would be possible to upgrade cd500 navi to navi 600/650/900 without changing the screen and the buttons and use only the main unit ?

You will definitely need a new  screen on the 650, and I think you do on the 600 900 but @rusty2009 will confirm, if you wanted to upgrade I could go the whole way to a 950 as that will give you everything you need.