Full Version: cd500 to navi600/900
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Would be possible to upgrade cd500 navi to navi 600/650/900 without changing the screen and the buttons and use only the main unit ?

If you went to a 650 or 950 the screen would need to be changed also.

The buttons will work however but you'd have to used to a couple being different.

if you went to a 600 or 900 the screen would work and again the buttons would work but you need to add the SD port and the USB/AUX port.
(27:th-Jul-2019, 20:15:18)Cossie Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

Would be possible to upgrade cd500 navi to navi 600/650/900 without changing the screen and the buttons and use only the main unit ?

You will definitely need a new  screen on the 650, and I think you do on the 600 900 but @rusty2009 will confirm, if you wanted to upgrade I could go the whole way to a 950 as that will give you everything you need.
Guten Morgen,

Ich möchte von CD500 zu NAVI600 konvertieren.

Reicht es nur aus, die silberne Schachtel zu tauschen, oder brauche ich auch ein neues DSiplay?

Dass ich einen SD-Steckplatz nachrüsten muss, ist klar.

Danke und Gruß aus Deutschland

Translated it reads

Quote:Good Morning,

I want to convert from CD500 to NAVI600.

Is it just enough to swap the silver box, or do I need a new DSiplay as well?

That I have to retrofit an SD slot is clear.

Thanks and greetings from Germany