Full Version: Radar Sensor Cabling
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i buy one front radar sensor for my Insignia to implement it for AAC.
Part number of sensor module are 23438076. About cabling that i found is:
pin-1 - 12v Positive voltage - DRAW CURRENT - 900mA 
pin-2 - GND Negative voltage
pin-5 - Circuit 6106 - White                   connected to pin-20-ABS
pin-6 - Circuit 6105 - BU/YE                  connected to pin-21-ABS
pin-7 - Circuit 2501 - WH - CAN L          connected to pin-6-ABS
pin-8 - Circuit 2500 - BU - CAN H          connected to pin-5-ABS
pin-10 - Circuit 5986 - WH/BU - IGN      connected to pin-33-ABS    -  +12DC / 3mA

The question is 12v Positive are is ALL time or switched?
Circuit 6106 is ??
Circuit 6105 is ??

Receptacle connector is 1488533-5 or 2203663-5. The first one is out of make. 
I have a opel-eye in my car, have all needed buttons on steering wheel only this radar is missing and activation too Smile

I attach specification for this sensor but cabling are for Range Rover.
The second file are connector. For this sensor fit Option A Black with 2 Notches in two ends.
