Full Version: 2014 Astra 1.6 Elite - No DAB / Bluetooth - Can I add?
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Hi I'm looking to upgrade my 2009 VAUXHALL ASTRA SXI CDTI to a 2014 VAUXHALL ASTRA ELITE 1.6.

The Elite is a good price (£5500), from a Vauxhall dealership (so comes with all the benefits of buying from them) with a decent mileage (40k).

However, two things I wanted in my next car was DAB and Bluetooth. This has neither already installed.

What are my options?
I don't really want a windscreen DAB aerial with an FM transmitter.

I'm going into test drive the car this week, and make an offer. Hopefully they'll take my car as a trade-in.
If I ask for DAB and Bluetooth to be installed "properly" as part of the sale are they likely to do this for me? Would they have access to all the right kit?

It doesn't have to be brand new, but it does need to look good with no cables.
Hi DAB and BT can be retrofitted.

If it has a cd400 radio though being a 2014 it's most likely a uyn one which means nothing can be added to it.

If you asked the dealer to fit they would fit all aftermarket kit which is stuck on the dash.