Full Version: Engines Techincal Data (First Post)
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Hi , I am new to the forum and this is my first post .Lot of my searches  ended on this forum so i decided to join this forum as it has given me lot of useful information,my car is vauxhall astra 2014 1.7 CDTI ecoflex 125BHP, Thanks to Rusty i was able to do LED light for DPF  and would be doing different MODs hopefully without breaking any thing Smile . I want to share a link which i found which i think might be helpful to people which gives lot of information on technical data on vauxhall/Opel engines .It is originally in Polish language but you can use Chrome browser to automatically translate that into English.


i hope to learn and share information on this forum.

Thank-you for sharing the link looks very good.
thank you rusty. As i bought this car second hand, Did full service ,it is running nice however i plan to clean egr manually and sensor to see how dirty it is,car has clocked 67k miles , I also heared dreadful stories about m32 gear box (chocolate bearings) issues,mine seems fine for now may be it is a post 2012 upgraded one but i plan to change gearbox oil to keep last little longer.
(26:th-Jan-2019, 23:51:24)Rocky33 Wrote: [ -> ]thank you rusty. As i bought this car second hand, Did full service ,it is running nice however i plan to clean egr manually and sensor to see how dirty it is,car has clocked 67k miles , I also heared dreadful stories about m32 gear box (chocolate bearings) issues,mine seems fine for now may be it is a post 2012 upgraded one but i plan to change gearbox oil to keep last little longer.

It's a dreadful box no matter year it was built alot i think depends on how the box is treated some people never have an issue's others do.
Do you think changing at 67k is too late ,Will it cause slipping. I have read its either better to change frequently or never change it.I dont think it was ever changed according to service book.Also if i do go ahead with the change , what you think about titan sintofluid sae 75w-80 for m32 gearbox .thanks
Well the oil in it is meant to be a lifetime oil but IMHO changing is always a good idea.

Even on F40 gear box a oil change helps.
Thanks rusty ,will take the plunge and will do it.