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I found 2 connectors and and I don't know what to use. Can someone help me with information
1. The first connector in the trunk space 
2. The second connector near the right back door
[img]<a href=[/img][Image: 1-min.png] [Image: 2-min.png]" />
Not sure white the white one is for.

The other one could be for rear seat-belt plug, although the wire colour is wrong.
red/grey is battery positive voltage, so the trunk plug appears to be two positives and the back door / rear seat plug will be a 12v supply for something ?
Is it possible the white connector to be from the amplifier?
(25:th-Nov-2018, 14:37:24)alcatrazcj Wrote: [ -> ]Is it possible the white connector to be from the amplifier?

No deffo not
I search the black connector on the opposite side (near the left back door) and i don't find. It's just a right part of the cars