Full Version: Difference between 1.4 120 & 140
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I'm considering buying an Astra GTC and have found one that ticks most of the boxes, however I have just noticed that it is the 1.4 118 bhp model not the 138 bhp. What is the difference between the two engines? Is it physical or software? Could I still eventually achieve the same power output with tuning mods?
Same engine just higher turbo boost and ECU changes as far as I know. Not sure if the turbo is bigger, but I'm sure others on here will know. Hope you enjoy the GTC whichever one you go for.

I'm not really sure why they made the GTC with both versions of the engine. The BHP was different but the everything else was the same including torque, CO2 and MPG. Only other difference was insurance groups but I doubt that will make a huge difference.