Full Version: Straight Piping Astra GTC
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I'm needing advice, I am thinking of straight piping my car from the turbo back but im not sure wether to leave the cat in.
has anyone done this previously and does anyone have any videos of their astra straight piped?
The CAT is part of the MOT I think.
(26:th-Oct-2018, 07:53:20)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]The CAT is part of the MOT I think.

Hi Rusty!,
I was just wondering if anyone has had any previous experience deleting both the centre silencer and back box and what kind of sound they got?
I know mate but has anyone got any sort of video of sound or that on it?

Ive just had a full 2.5" custom made stainless exhaust with just 1 box (back box) also had the cat gutted out..leaving its original housing..(engine light is on but remap will turn it off)
taking the cat out makes a nice noise change as u can here the turbo spinning up..
all exhausts will make a different sound..
mine is sensible & muffled,but between 2500-3500rpm its loud..
it sounds like a big engine jap car with the turbo spinning up aswel.
its the 1.4 TURBO gtc.[attachment=1057][attachment=1058]

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