Full Version: Change oil soon - can I ignore it for about 1k miles?
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Ok, prepping for a trip down to Alton towers leaving tomorrow, and this morning it change oil soon popped up.

I'm about 650 miles round trip, add on 300 for miscellaneous other driving, looking at 1k miles before I can get back and do the oil change (procrastination will be the end of me)

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Of cause you can leave it yes some will say you should change it now etc.

If it's been in the car more than 12 months then I would say you would be better off to change it but it upto you.
I failed miserably to get the time, dip stick check and off we have went.

Not ideal, and damn I should have paid more attention.

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Hopefully you'll have time at Alton towers, Mrs wants me to take her back she wants to go on that new ride the wickerman.
Just took the kids on it yesterday (the son is 9, daughter is 11) so damn proud of them!

My son is hooked on adrenaline though...

Something a little calmer today, the water park & mini golf.

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