Full Version: the only one
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I have been on this forum now for a year and read lots of post and reply`s of problems, questions, answers,
but it seems every time I put up a post up I get no replys.
so it leave`s me to say, am I THE ONLY ONE ???????
thought I would reply to break your 'no reply' curse lol
Think we all have posts no one answers, I felt the same on another car manufacturer forum but was put right by someone's answer, they said sometimes if people haven't had the same problems they won't reply incase they give bad advice and I suppose no advice is better than bad advice.
yeah I agree it can seem a bit weird when no-one replies,
but it's worse when you get unhelpful replies.
Yes unfortunately not every thread will get a reply, as frustrating as that may be.
It's sadly due to social media, forums are dying globally.

Facebook groups appear to be where all the activity is.