Full Version: Looking for a Spare wheel or Space Saver
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Hi Everyone

Is anyone selling a reasonable price spare wheel or spacesaver for a GTC, I believe they are 5 x 115.

I an not sure how big of a wheel I can fit in, so hoping one of you can advise me?

Also I need the big plastic nut thing that holds the wheel down.

Ideally close to Rotherham or if willing to post, I have checked ebay and was quite shocked at the prices

I think ebay will be your best port of call, for a full kit sometimes you can get for £50-100+ it depends who selling.
Ive been offered one of an cdti astra hatch, so hoping that will fit
@marktourino what size is your space saver?

I think the hatch is a smaller wheel then the GTC, but as long as it's 5x115 it'll fit.
(27:th-Aug-2018, 07:14:22)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]@marktourino  what size is your space saver?

I think the hatch is a smaller wheel then the GTC, but as long as it's 5x115 it'll fit.

Hi Rusty

It is a 17 inch space saver but looking at the boot size I could get away with a 18inch space saver if there is such a thing.
Well will find out tomorrow Smile
Well I now have a space saver feel so much happier now, at least if I do get a puncture I can change it.

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So much better having the peace of mind.

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