Full Version: Clunking noise when driving - Unsual one tho???
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Hey guys on my Astra gtc I am noticing that sometomes hen pull off sharply and when u turn the wheel left going in forward or reverse it can clunk also.

Now when I have had this in for service or MOT they have mentioned it to me but can never seem to tell me where it's coming from making me wonder if the usual aspects of front shock , top mounts etc are not the usual culprit here. Has anyone else had this issue?

Any ideas would be great thanks.

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(2:nd-Jul-2018, 02:36:09)hi I don\t no if this will help but I had a similar problem with a different make car and was told it was the slider pins on the front brake calipers, once sorted the problem gone. Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys on my Astra gtc I am noticing that sometomes hen pull off sharply and when u turn the wheel left going in forward or reverse it can clunk also.

Now when I have had this in for service or MOT they have mentioned it to me but can never seem to tell me where it's coming from making me wonder if the usual aspects of front shock , top mounts etc are not the usual culprit here. Has anyone else had this issue?

Any ideas would be great thanks.

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