Full Version: Howto Retrofit TPMS
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Hello to everyone.
I own 2015 ASTRA J sports tourer 1,6CDTI 110BHP. I have steel rims with TPMS already. I have bought new light alloy wheels. Sensors that are installed on steel rims have OE number 13598787. My question is, can I use sensors with one of these OE numbers 43139-61M00, 13594222, 13506028, 13589601, 13522629, 13589601, 13172567, 13354312, 53351971, 56029398AB, 53104671, 13597645, 13327259, 13348393, 13581560?
My new rims are black and I want to use these sensors with rubber valve instead of these that I already have with aluminum nuts. Sorry for any errors, I am not a native speaker.  

Best regards
(19:th-Feb-2020, 15:38:23)komshija Wrote: [ -> ]Hello to everyone.
I own 2015 ASTRA J sports tourer 1,6CDTI 110BHP. I have steel rims with TPMS already. I have bought new light alloy wheels. Sensors that are installed on steel rims have OE number 13598787. My question is, can I use sensors with one of these OE numbers 43139-61M00, 13594222, 13506028, 13589601, 13522629, 13589601, 13172567, 13354312, 53351971, 56029398AB, 53104671, 13597645, 13327259, 13348393, 13581560?
My new rims are black and I want to use these sensors with rubber valve instead of these that I already have with aluminum nuts. Sorry for any errors, I am not a native speaker.  

Best regards

I can't see why they won't work they all work on the same 433hz.
@ Rusty2009
Thank you for your reply. Prior my previous message I have contacted the ebay seller with the question about tpms sensors. he asked me if i have OE number from my sensors which i have sent him and he replied that it is not the same number and they will not fit on my Astra. I might order them and see will they work or not.
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