Full Version: Cd400 folder error display
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I used a fm transmitter that had a usb port which all worked great , I had 8 folders on the USB drive, but j haven't been using it for over a year it's not connected I got rid of it but for some reason my screen always says "folder 8" even when I have a cd in or using my aux lead any one know how I can get rid of this? As since also my screen scroll text doesn't actually scroll any more

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Have you checked your settings?

Could also try a factory reset.
(11:th-Apr-2018, 08:58:33)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]Have you checked your settings?

Could also try a factory reset.
Have tried this is just resets the vehicle setting and not the stereo :(

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
Strange any more info on the device you plugged in a link etc?
(11:th-Apr-2018, 09:06:39)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]Strange any more info on the device you plugged in a link etc?
I have a picture [Image: 0b0395bf3f0ac280b3b38a462eb5432a.jpg]

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