Full Version: Hmm!! How cold
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Think my temp is a little bit out [Image: 98b4224d1412664e568ae8ed2df422d1.jpg]

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Coldest I saw yesterday was -3.
My windscreen wiper fluid was frozen yesterday as I went to the MOT.
They also advise entering with a hot engine, but it wouldn't reach the 90° mark, not even after the 20 minute drive. It even cooled down with engine running while I was waiting for a half hour.
Luckely for me the wiper fluid started working just when it was my turn, some water came sputtering out when they tested it

But damn I love my steering wheel heating even more in days like this!
A little bit out  Lol Lol  good one

It is really freezing this morning on the way to work was -20°C.
I got -6C this morning [SNOWFLAKE]️[SNOWFLAKE]️[SNOWFLAKE]️

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-4 in Newcastle, some tricky driving experiences today especially around fenham. My flight back to Ireland was canceled tonight, my rebooked to flight tomorrow night has also been canceled now so I've booked another flight for Friday night, suspect it will be canceled to. Smile getting some quality time with the focus 1.5 diesel zetec. I like. Smile [Image: 0ed6026d2c149c5cd566e9e5665547c8.jpg]

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