Full Version: Remote boot popping on a meriva (non canbus boot release i believe)
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I want to make my boot open remotely when i am approaching it with bags of shopping in my hands... the car is a 2011 meriva B....

Going to try the springs on the struts, my struts are pretty weak so time for new ones, so also going to get uprated pressure struts... actually gonna get adjustable pressure struts... they start with 70 newtons of lifting power... and a bolt can be opened to release some of the nitrogen pressure if they are too powerful to close the boot lid) 

This is with the idea to get the boot to self open once released.

The boot lock release is electric, but there is no boot pop function on the remote, 

I do not believe the boot release is canbus controlled... my car has no REC (it has a fuse box in the back, but it just has a single large power wire to it, and a single wire out from just one populated fuse way... to the parking pilot system (that this car no longer seems to have.. cheap aftermarket reversing sensors fitted now) 

I contacted the people that make the happyblue and happy lightshow dongles, but they say the meriva dosent have enough canbus controlled items to be worth them doing one for it. 

So what can i do??  the wiring diagram of the boot release would be handy.. with where it goes in the loom, to try and figure out if it is on the canbus or not... then i guess a canbus sniffer.... 

If it's not on the canbus... i'll have to figure out a way to do similar to what the hapyblue module does... when the canbus sniffer detects the remote unlock has been pressed twice in quick sucsession, it will trigger a relay to operate the boot release. 

OR, get a remote that has 3 buttons, and try and pick up the signal sent by the boot popbutton, that i believe may be hard to do with all the security, rolling codes and so on, 

Anybody got any other ides to how i could do this? or any info on canbus sniffing and that sort of thing
I have module sat on my desk just not found time to fit it yet.