Full Version: Who’s got my old car from North East then ?
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[Image: 7dc0e0283486d45a4da9971b52b4d5f0.jpg]

Sold it last June to garage then went to auction then a garage in Newcastle had it last I believe

Sold with black wheels on the spoiler was still on and so was the skirts I believe

Would be good to know how she’s getting along

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She's a beauty. Out of curiousity, What did you replace her with, Jonathaneuk?
what registration was on it when sold?
(15:th-Aug-2018, 15:13:20)Leamon Wrote: [ -> ]She's a beauty. Out of curiousity, What did you replace her with, Jonathaneuk?

Sorry just seen these messages ha ha. I replaced her with a Astra K. But had loads of bother with it so swapped it for a Insignia. Ha. I do miss my Astra J though :-(.

(16:th-Aug-2018, 13:51:16)niteram Wrote: [ -> ]what registration was on it when sold?

Sorry just seen this message.

It had my private number plate on it. But. I believe it has been spotted with a private number plate fitted to it as the spoiler is still on it. And also the side skirts.
