Full Version: GTC rear bumper lower valance fitment?
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Does anyone know if the lower valances on the rear bumper of the GTC all  have the same fitment.  I have asked the dealers this question and for some reason they can't give me an answer.

I have bought the wife a Limited Edition GTC 1.4 turbo with all the bits but for some reason it has come with a hidden exhaust and I have noticed that there are some that come with a stainless steel tipped exhaust but you obviously have to change the lower valance to accommodate the different exhaust tip.

What I would prefer is the twin exhaust that some of the 1.6 come with but again don't know if the back section of the exhaust system is a straight swap?

Any help and advise would be very much appreciated..........
There's a guy on the Astra GTC Owners group on facebook who swapped his valnce to a dual exhaust valance. You should join the group and drop him a pm, his name's Niall McGill. Pretty sure the valance on the limited edition is the same fitment regardless of the number of exhaust cutouts.
That's a great idea, many thanks for the tip, request to join the group now sent.
GM Part Number - 13346640