Got a second hand PedalBox from eBay for £70. Fitted it today and i must say what a difference in accelerator response. Road was a bit wet from the earlier rain and it was slipping tyres like never before
Cant wait for a nice dry day to try out all the settings. One point though, as i was plugging the PedalBox in i noticed a couple of loose plugs under the dash at the Accelerator side, couldn't see anywhere that they might have came loose from. Anyone any ideas of what they could be for? I'll try and get a couple of pictures of them, one of them is a kind of lime green colours and is quite small

If it's a green plug and a black plug they are for the DAB module.
The peddle box is great I keep min on sport and +3 I've tried the sport+ and that just lights the wheels up when you want to pull away quick.
(6:th-Nov-2017, 10:37:46)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]If it's a green plug and a black plug they are for the DAB module.
The peddle box is great I keep min on sport and +3 I've tried the sport+ and that just lights the wheels up when you want to pull away quick.
Yeah thats exactly what colour they are. I assume looking at other retro fit stuff i would need to get a code if i were to purchase a module and plug it in?
Yes but it depends what radio you have fitted.
(6:th-Nov-2017, 18:07:45)usty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes but it depends what radio you have fitted.
CD500 Navi. Was looking at your retro fit section and was out hunting the car back and forth looking for those wee stud things that folk were talking about on the windows, its just kinda dawned on me. Is it the rear (side) windows on the Astra estate that have them and not the actual tailgate rear window? I have small black tab fixings connecting to lines which i assumed was a window heater.
Driver Rear 1
Driver Rear 2
Passenger Rear 1
Passenger Rear 2
As you can see the rear side window has one tab that the passenger side window hasn't. Not sure how significant these are or if they are even the things i'm looking for. I also have the shark fin on the roof. If i am goind to be doing one mod them this is the one coz FM and RDS sucks. Station jumping all the time because where i live is right on the catchment zone of two local radio stations.
in the second picture, the upper connector is the one for DAB.
If you can get the trim loose enough you will find that the connector is a blank, it has about 3cm of cable but does not actually connect to anything - its just there to look pretty!!