Full Version: Astra GTC projector or reflector headlights?
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hi all I'm new to forum this is my first post, 

I purchased my 2013 1.7d GTC SRI a few weeks ago, been reviewing threads on this forum and others in relation to the lights. As I have a 50mile daily commute on mainly twisty A roads I need to upgrade my lights especially with the dark nights drawing in. After much reading I changed the DRLs from the standard yellow drls to some nice white LEDs from hid-direct dead easy to fit and looks great. However as others have highlighted it makes the yellow headlight really stand out and not in a good way! I've purchased  a hid kit from lush lighting which I planned to fit at the weekend. I have read conflicting posts about being able to fit these without dazzling other drivers, and this it seems is down to if they are projectors or reflectors. Not sure what I have so if gtc are reflectors not projector lights do I need to buy projectors to fit along with hid kit. I've read some posts that say the GTC has projectors fitted as standard and others saying gtc have reflectors fitted as standard and that only gtc vxr had projectors  So my question is do I need to buy projectors before I fit hid kit? Or will they slot straight in without dazzling others? Pic attached showing drl on leds and std current head lights  Thanks
Welcome to VXOC.

First of all I wouldn't rate the hid kit from lush lighting would of been better getting a kit from HID's direct.

Being a GTC you have projector lights already.

It's the 5-door that has reflector lamps fitted.
Ok thanks for confirming, I did buy the leds for the drls from hids direct, but I went for the kit from lush via eBay as I'd read a few good reviews and also their advert on eBay was quite detailed and made clear this kit was the right one as I didn't really know what I doing as not used hid kits before. If I have any problems I'll post an update.
Hi just an update the first kit I received contained a faulty bulb, I messaged the seller  lush city lighting via eBay for a replacement bulb the sellers response to messages was very slow which resulted in 2 days worth of delays. The seller insisted on me sending him a photo of the bulb showing the wires cut  to prove the bulb was broken or wanted me to sending a refundable deposit for the new bulb?!? I wasn't impressed with this requirement for proof I understand there may be the odd dodgy buyer who tries to con a spare bulb but this guy hasn't over 10k eBay transactions so he must accept that sometime maybe the bulbs are just faulty. This resulted in an in a 2 day delay before he agreed to post a replacement bulb only after I sent pic showing cut wires on the bulb (after threatening to open a eBay dispute to speed things along which failed and I relented as I just needed a bulb in my car and couldnt afford to waste time on a dispute which still didn't make him budge on his insistence for proof) Anyhow the bulb eventually came and I fitted it today however as a result of the service and delays to fixing a problem I would neither recommend the seller lush city lighting on eBay or use them again.  Overall I'm very happy with the look of the lights.
This seems to be the way for most sellers, I think it's there way of saving time by you returning the item and making it non usable.

I had it over a set of LED number plate lights for the wife's car and that was only due to a broken clip so it wouldn't hold in place. i just cut the wires sent a pic they sent replacement set out & I just soldered the cut wires together and fitted them in her boot.

Looking nice and white thou.