Full Version: gloss black mirror caps
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Anyone no where i can get a set of gloss black mirror caps or even just covers to go over the existing ones i have a white gtc an wana do the mirrors black, i have looked on ebay at its coming up at like £75 a pair, is that right or can you get covers cheaper?

also do the astra j ones fit the gtc?

5-door & GTC covers fit all models (COVERS ONLY).

Could you not buy any colour and paint them gloss black or wrap yours Gloss black?
i dont trust myself to spray them myself as i have never done it and dont want them to look cheap :/
(10:th-Sep-2017, 21:24:05)Jhill7168 Wrote: [ -> ]i dont trust myself to spray them myself as i have never done it and dont want them to look cheap :/

Its really easy tbh all you do is use 1500+ sand paper to scuff it a little and use isopropyl alcohol to degrease it, spray it a tiny bit so it looks like stars at night and leave it 5 mins and gradually get thicker layers always making sure you go over the edges (its just better) and leave 10/15 between the wet coats (thicker) and then when about 5/6 coats in and your happy with how thick the paint is leave it for 24 hours and scuff it very slightly then put a few layers of lacquer on it (the lacquer will bring the shine dont worry) see easy

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I've had my mirrors wrapped gloss black, can't tell that they've been wrapped either

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I have a spare set I was working with that you can have if your interested just pm me