Full Version: Navi 900 to I-link/MyLink 950 Wiring diagram
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I want to upgrade my head unit to the I-link 950 unit.
So far i know its possible and have successfully changed the VIN on a MyLink unit out of a commodore (I'm an Aussie) and it does turn on and the radio works. 
I'm 99% sure that the units store the VIN on the same chip on all devices (made by Panasonic). 

I just need a wiring diagram from a Navi 900 and from a I-link 950 and then hopefully i can write a how to once i have done it. 

The wiring is the same apart from the mic wires.
(5:th-Sep-2017, 10:08:45)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]The wiring is the same apart from the mic wires.

can you tell me what wires?

Vauxhall TIS is your best friend
(5:th-Sep-2017, 15:00:22)Jpbroad1970 Wrote: [ -> ]Vauxhall TIS is your best friend

tried that. for some reason it will not load images, help desk isn't being very helpful.
Help-desk won't be any help.

You need to install the plugin's & use IE.
(8:th-Sep-2017, 12:02:12)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]Help-desk won't be any help.

You need to install the plugin's & use IE.
IE gives same problem. I think its a windows 10 issue.
(8:th-Sep-2017, 12:34:50)Tylerrattv Wrote: [ -> ]
(8:th-Sep-2017, 12:02:12)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]Help-desk won't be any help.

You need to install the plugin's & use IE.
IE gives same problem. I think its a windows 10 issue.

I use it on win10 no problem , just make sure it uses explorer not edge. I think there are some hints in tis to tell you what plugins to use and win10 issues