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Guys can anyone help me with advice on where to buy new keys for my Astra J 2011 1.7 cdti excite. I picked it up this week and it only came with 1 key.

1. Where can I buy new keyfobs
2. At the moment it has lock/unlock, can I add functionality to open the boot as I've seen some fobs with 3 buttons for this?
3. Where can I get the blade cut (I have the car pass info).
4. Is there somewhere I can buy the fob and they also cut the blade.
5. Is there anywhere that do all of the above and how much!?


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I got mine off ebay but the seller seems to have gone.

It's only the GTC/VXR that boot opening from fob.

I had to have cut at specialist key cutting as it was the only place to have the right cutting tools.
Cheers Rusty, if I get a keyfob and blade cut, can it be programmed to the car with Op-Com, and, where can I download the latest Op-Com software please?

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It can yes.

as to software http://www.op-com.co.uk/store/c1/Featured_Products.html £4.99 for download.