Hi all is there anybody in the east or west midlands in the club and is there and car meets
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I live in Cannock, which I think is about an hour away from you? Don't know about the meets as I only joined about three weeks ago.
OK mate want to get a meet going if can get enough people
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(2:nd-Jul-2017, 11:46:59)Dale90 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi all is there anybody in the east or west midlands in the club and is there and car meets
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Hi there am in Leicester very near too you, could be interested

OK mate if we can get a few people have to find a place we can all meet
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I'm up for it. (if the Mrs will let me). lol
lol I know that feeling mate
I'm in Derby. I'll third the missus part lol
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Klkl anybody know where we can meet or just turn up at a halfords car park
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