Full Version: Fitted rear led lights, now bulb warning issues
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So i have bought a new GTC, it came with no led rear lens, so got the dealer to order and fit them. Now he says it throws up rear bulb light failure display on the dash. Pressing the button on the steering wheel stalk turns of the issue warnings. can live with that , but is there a way to eliminate this, a guy told me you can go into the ecu and change the settings in the codes menu.
The dealer may need to apply for a VCI from GM for this.

I've not had one in so I can't comment on if there is a drop down option or not.
Or buy HappyBlue module and turn bulb warnings off.

(29:th-Jun-2017, 07:40:27)Rusty2009 Wrote: [ -> ]The dealer may need to apply for a VCI from GM for this.

I've not had one in so I can't comment on if there is a drop down option or not.

It requires a VCI code for getting the LED rearlight coded.

I booked for the coding when I had mounted the LED rear lights. But technician came to me and said they could not code it without VCI code, which was 50£ to require and even is code were ordered, he were not sure he could code it anyway..  

I didn´t go further as I have the HappyBlue module and simply switched the bulb warnings off.