Full Version: Wheel Offset Impact?
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Hi all,

Very new to the whole wheel/tyre replacement thing. My Astra J (2.0CDTi) is in need of new tyres and I thought I'd contemplate changing up the look in the process. It currently has the factory set fitted (7J x 17 offset 44).

I was looking at a set of larger VXR style wheels (8J x 18 offset 42), but just wanted some clarification as to whether these will be a safe fit? I noticed the factory 18" configuration has an offset of 46 and despite searching, I can't seem to determine if the difference will have any negative impact with my level of understanding. 

Presuming all is good, will the changeover be a straight swap otherwise? Are there any other factors I need to consider? Bar the need for larger tyres, obviously!

Thanks a lot!