Full Version: How-to debadge GTC
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What you will need,
I used dental floss but string will do and a bowl of warm soapy water

[Image: ae17e537b1a254f78de72a134aa92897.jpg]
First get a length of floss and put under the badge and work back and to

[Image: c0deb13c8cc13c24d5ddaa308e989202.jpg]
It should come off quite nicely and reveal the foamy sticker that held it on
[Image: 417580a8c483f1e2a8cb780f923d2570.jpg]
What i did was ran it under my thumb and it should peel off
[Image: 5940dcbde04508480f69d7a46b696802.jpg]
Remove all the badges you want and wash with the warm soapy water and your done!
[Image: dbddba3d8b490d3d23f28aeb6c376963.jpg]

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I did mine recently and found that if you heat the badge up enough with a hairdryer you can get the sticky pad off along with the badge and save your self time have to remove the sticky pad from the body work
wd40 is also king for removing any leftover adhesive
Ayee but i cba with getting the hairdryer and it only took 10 mins and got to love wd40 but gives you an excuse to wash it Smile

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Just debadged the rear astra badge today following the above.
Worked a treat.