Full Version: Wing mirror automatically closing fitting service
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Does anybody know if anybody in the Yorkshire area who's able to fit the device that enables the wing mirrors to automatically close when you lock the car?
No I don't know anyone up there that can do it.

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What does it entail? I'm in doncaster and competent with a soldering iron
(17:th-Apr-2017, 18:03:46)tommyboy1289 Wrote: [ -> ]What does it entail? I'm in doncaster and competent with a soldering iron

Seems easy enough. Drop me a PM if you want some help bud
(14:th-Apr-2017, 13:08:32)GarethMyers14 Wrote: [ -> ]Does anybody know if anybody in the Yorkshire area who's able to fit the device that enables the wing mirrors to automatically close when you lock the car?

Must be an old car if it still has wing mirrors Wink