Full Version: Purchased my 1st Astra today ?
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Evening all, today I picked up my first ever Astra. It's a 1.4 turbo limited edition. It's got 14,500 on the clock and is on a 14 plate which I don't think is bad at all.

Ive tried to upload some photos, but the site isn't letting me for some reason. I hope to make some small modifications later on down the line, but nothing too drastic
Welcome to VXOC.

You should be able to upload pics but depends on the file size, TBH you are far better using an image hosting site.
Welcome to Vxoc mate!

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Managed to get some photo's uploaded of my new car, all feedback is welcome Smile

[Image: IMG_1191_zpsscdbpafj.jpg]
[Image: IMG_1192_zpsm2aderju.jpg]
[Image: IMG_1197_zpspgu8xncn.jpg]
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[Image: IMG_1195_zpsfuwuzuwc.jpg]
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[Image: IMG_1198_zpsa6clk9oj.jpg]
Looks a very nice clean motor mate.
Nice motor mate, I haven't long had mine either mate and also new to this site, very helpfull bunch on here, anything you wanna know these guys will help you, and if not they'll find out for ya.

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Thanks Ronnie, I've ordered a few modifications that I'm hoping are coming this week. Starting off small