Full Version: Damage repair Quote!
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The wife has had a couple of prangs with the Astra! Firstly the front bumper took a hit, so the lower grill is broken and a crack in the lip below it and some minor paint damage above the upper grill.


The latest hit was with a wall and the rear wheel arch! it has about 6 deep scores but just on the arch where it meet the back door and above the wheel, should really take pictures!

Anyway I took it to a body shop and they want £482 to fix it! does that sound right?

Cheers Ronnie
I don't think that sounds too bad all in! I mean it depends what they're doing to fix the issues (replacing or just repairing the bumper etc.).

I had a repair carried out to replace, spray and fit my bumper as it had a crack in it from a bump and a cracked grill too and that was about £400

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They are welding the small crack and replacing the lower grill, the grill costs £40 and then painting the whole bumper, he did say on the wheel arch he would need to blend the paint into the door as it's metalic.

Cheers Ronnie
A days work plus materials sound right... without pics hard to tell

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