Full Version: Helpful Guides and Flowcharts for Detailing and Valeting
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Looks like a chemistry exam paper to me, not got a clue what that's all about but I will take your word for it that it makes your car nice and sparkly lol.
(31:st-Jan-2017, 12:04:16)stigeye Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like a chemistry exam paper to me, not got a clue what that's all about but I will take your word for it that it makes your car nice and sparkly lol.
Haha, basically...

The flow charts describe a process for washing a car.

The other charts show what grade polishes can be used with the various grade pads.

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
[Image: 7c0fcf8867148eefde1159653d8064fb.jpg]