Full Version: HOW TO: De-Badge Rear and side of astra J
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Here is a how to with full instructions on how to de-badge your Astra, not for everyone but i prefer it Smile

Firstly, sorry about the state of my car, its very dirty, I KNOW Smile

You will need:

Nylon thread or fishing wire (nylon string off an old kite works the best)
Tar remover
Credit/debit card
Color coded polish (not the people)


[Image: 20140408_191651_zps168kleaf.jpg]

1. Put the string behind the first letter, you need to be holding each end of the string in each hand, you may need to use a finger as a guide to get it under the letter.

[Image: 20140408_191711_zps9rqffgfz.jpg]

2. start pulling the string side to side is a sawing motion, it uses a combination of friction and heat to remove the bond.

[Image: 20140408_192249_zpsic6m8i3l.jpg]

3. move through all of the letters you want to remove, some people just remove some, I removed all

[Image: 20140408_192453_zpsdfmtfcyl.jpg]

4. Pour tar remover onto a cloth, dampen the sticky residue and leave for 3-4 mins

[Image: 20140408_192922_zpsjet9xrna.jpg]

5. Use a card to agitate the residue left over

[Image: 20140408_193946_zpsddivddtx.jpg]

6. Wash over with water and polish

[Image: 20140408_194011_zpsxm2tbjbk.jpg]

[Image: 20140408_200741_zpspnrda4se.jpg]

And that is it all done.
Sometimes the easier how too are the best looking well done

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Very good mate, Just one thing it would of come off cleaner if you were to off applied a little heat with a hair dryer.
Did the rears on mine a couple of weeks ago, washed it first, then used strong cotton to lift them. Due to already being wet from the wash, the pads came of the car by rolling with my fingers. No tar remover needed. Hopebthis helps.

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very well done mate, good tut Smile
Rusty2009 Wrote:Very good mate, Just one thing it would of come off cleaner if you were to off applied a little heat with a hair dryer.

Ha, exactly what I was thinking... enough heat & you could have pulled them off in one.
J1ODYA Wrote:Ha, exactly what I was thinking... enough heat & you could have pulled them off in one.

Only problem is too much heat can damage the paint work
there are two ways to do it hairdryer or string both work as well as each other
Cameron UK Wrote:Only problem is too much heat can damage the paint work

How hot do you think a hair dryer can get lol I've got 15+ years on you of doing this & not damaged paint yet lol
J1ODYA Wrote:How hot do you think a hair dryer can get lol I've got 15+ years on you of doing this & not damaged paint yet lol

You must also have a 15 year old hair dryer! Here in the 21st century they get pretty damn hot!
I think you two have a bit of a thing going on here ha ha

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Look I am a bald man, I need to find a use for my hair dryer lol
I have the Autoglym Tar remover but I have found that WD40 works better , maybe because of the lubricants in it , I don't know but it makes it easier than Tar remover. .
Just to throw my 2penneth in, hairspray is also great for breaking down the adhesive, used it on a few cars and its always worked well
i prefer the hair dryer method also
Thanks i will be trying this soon, if i was to reapply the sri badge to the front grill what would i need to use to stick it on?
use some 3m tape like this example link only look about for cheaper options

Excellent, thank you mate Smile

Also does anyone on here in the North East do the matt black wrap for car roof? I think that'd go nice with my white Astra
black and white goes very well together