Full Version: Front grill from biturbo
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Hello, i`d line to change my standard front grill and install the grill from the biturbo.

I have this one http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/OTYyWDE2MDA=/z...wHQ9WZYQY/$_1.JPG

And I want this one http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/OTYwWDEyODA=/z...wRJ9XgLiz/$_1.JPG

I found some part numbers, you can check here http://nemiga.com/cat_spares/epc/opel/p10/b1/13/

It seems to me that i'll need just the number 18 from the link above. Do you think that i'll need the number 16 too? Is number 16 and 19 the same for the two grills?
There will be most likely a size difference in the grill
and it may not fit there was on the 5 door biturbo front grill
you are best to see one in the flesh and measure it or ask someone to do that for you