Full Version: Blue smoke from a17dte today
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I have had my car for a few months now and have always complained about the engine being noisy, but after having taken it to a local garage and main dealer both telling me there is nothing wrong i have just tried to accept the way it is. I have now done a few thousand miles and it is still the way it has always been. This morning however, i started the car from cold and all seemed ok, i went down the road and under load at low revs the car seemed noisier than usual, quite knocky and noticed the car was pushing out a lot of blue smoke!! This has not happened before. Once it was upto temperature it seemed ok with no blue smoke. Has anyone else had this problem? I have now got the car booked into the garage again :-(
(22:nd-Nov-2016, 17:16:13)rbull51 Wrote: [ -> ]I have had my car for a few months now and have always complained about the engine being noisy, but after having taken it to a local garage and main dealer both telling me there is nothing wrong i have just tried to accept the way it is. I have now done a few thousand miles and it is still the way it has always been. This morning however, i started the car from cold and all seemed ok, i went down the road and under load at low revs the car seemed noisier than usual, quite knocky and noticed the car was pushing out a lot of blue smoke!! This has not happened before. Once it was upto temperature it seemed ok with no blue smoke. Has anyone else had this problem? I have now got the car booked into the garage again :-(
Have you had this fixed ?