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So the car is covered in Sahara desert sand this morning
it looks as if it missed every car in the road apart from my car

[Image: SAND001_zps26d372c3.jpg]

not much point in washing it till this has blown over.
I got the wife to wash my car yesterday I thought it would be rude not to as she was washing hers.

Mine is now nice and clean in the garage whereas hers is like its never been washed Rofl
You only posted this picture to show off your shark fin lol, #jealous
Cameron UK Wrote:You only posted this picture to show off your shark fin lol, #jealous

No mate he wanted to show the reflection of the tree Lol
and i spent all last Sunday waxing it up. Lol
I've been got every night this week with the sand. Got into a routine of washing the car once I get in from work. I was nearly getting up early so I could wash it in the before going to work

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You all need to get a garage or a car cover.
Used to have a cover for my gte became more hassle than it was worth with having fit it and remove every day. Im tempted to build a car port on the front of the house but not sure due to the fact it would cover the living room window

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I think I may have got some on my windscreen on Wednesday but can't say I have noticed it apart from that . Apparently , we get this every year ? The only thing I 've really been aware of is that the visibility has been poor all week even when it has been windy , with today being no exception with the cloud cover down to about 1000ft . .
My white car looks cream, I will sort it at some point lol