Full Version: Rain Sensor/Light Sensor
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Hi Guys,

Wonder if anyone can help, I seem to be having what I think is an issue with the light/rain sensor in the Astra J. Not sure if its the sensor thats at fault, something else or not a fault. The issue is with the automatic headlight function, sometimes like today I started the car and it proceeded to put the headlights on even though its clear sunny day and the car is in direct sunlight. Other occasions i've had it when washing the windscreen it would come on and they would stay on for a good while, same with going in and out of tunnels the lights come on but seem to take forever to turn off or not at all & I have to manually turn the control off. I think i'm starting to notice it more due to the fact that it never use to behave in this way.

If anyone could shed any light on the issue (no pun intended there! Honest) Rotfl it would be appreciated.

Auto lights are pain in the butt drive on dull day they work 100% spot on but as soon as we have some sun they never seem to want to turn off.

I spent over a year back and forth to dealer and arguing with VX over it they did start to work on an update but then dropped it.

All they need to do is tweak the lux settings and the system would work 100% all the time but they are too stupid to understand this
So its not just me then?. Cheers for the info rusty much appreciated. Ill just put up with switching them off when they should not be on. :/
That's what Vauxhall told me to do.

I said that does not solve the issue & I shouldn't have to.

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I agree, otherwise what's the point in having the option?

I don't think it's limited to just Vauxhall. The Toyota Rav 4 I had as a courtesy car whilst mine was in the bodyshop had the same issue. Blazing sun but the lights would stay on. If I turned them off and then back to auto they would stay off. Weird!

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(30:th-Sep-2016, 09:01:24)bhalay207 Wrote: [ -> ]I agree, otherwise what's the point in having the option?

I don't think it's limited to just Vauxhall. The Toyota Rav 4 I had as a courtesy car whilst mine was in the bodyshop had the same issue. Blazing sun but the lights would stay on. If I turned them off and then back to auto they would stay off. Weird!

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Thats what happens in my J, if I switch them off manually for a while and then back on to Auto they stay off until the next time it thinks its dark when it really isnt.  Looney
Funnily enough I was in my brothers DS3 today and it was doing the same thing. I switched them off and back to auto and they stayed off. I'm guessing it's auto lights as a whole

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the light sensors in street lights are much better they always no when it is dark haha and light
(30:th-Sep-2016, 20:18:32)tucpal Wrote: [ -> ]the light sensors in street lights are much better they always no when it is dark haha and light

Street lights are done on a timer that's why.

But on another note if my lights wont turn off only way to get them off properly is to turn the car off and remove the car and that doesn't work all the time.
timer maybe vauxhall use one haha but streetlights dont

Glad im not going mad then! I probably notice it more now I have pocket lights and the M072 headunit. As the unit screen dims a lot and the pocket lights come on when the headlights come on.....