11:th-Aug-2016, 16:21:42
I'm a member over at VXROnline and heard about this forum so thought I'd plague you with all my questions too ..
I had an Astra VXR H a few years ago with a few cars in between but ended back up with a rather tasty white Astra VXR GTC with full leather and blue pinstripe stitching :-) Only had it a few weeks and of course had a few problems, but they're on the 'road' to getting sorted out :-)
For the mean time, here's a picture of her :-)
I'm a member over at VXROnline and heard about this forum so thought I'd plague you with all my questions too ..

I had an Astra VXR H a few years ago with a few cars in between but ended back up with a rather tasty white Astra VXR GTC with full leather and blue pinstripe stitching :-) Only had it a few weeks and of course had a few problems, but they're on the 'road' to getting sorted out :-)
For the mean time, here's a picture of her :-)