Full Version: Long short Ford Fiesta issue
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So my wife came today with an issue on her car.
Every time you lock the car by fob or key the boot pops open and the rear wiper moves & there is no front wipers at all.
Ive checked all fuses relays cleaned up the ground points to no avail.
I searched Google and came across the boot button issue, so I've taken that all apart and it was all good.
I removed the neg of the battery for a few hours hoping systems would reset but no. I've checked the grounds with a multi meter and there are reading 0.

I've not got a code reader :-(.
Sounds like it's shorting out somewhere. I would put money on the boot solenoid. My Focus used to let water in by the boot handle, which caused me some very rusty wiring for the number plate bulbs. Maybe it's something similar but instead of the wiring, it's playing havoc with the solenoid

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Haha I get a reply on Vauxhall forum but none on any of the ford forums.

Yeah I came across the common water and boot handle issue. I've taken it all apart and it's bone dry, I checked the number plate lights and they are also dry checked all the plugs again bone dry.

If I unplug the rear wiper the car won't lock at all which to me would lead to an earth fault, but all earth's tested fine.
At last I've fixed it, found a plug had the lock clip unlocked and was slightly out of the fords version of the BCM.
Where was the plug located and what year is the car
it was a 2010 MK7 fiesta Pre-facelift, the plug was located in the passenger footwell behind the glove box.